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2024: "Wine, Weddings, and Signs," in The Latin Mass Magazine 33(2)

2024: "Middle-Earth Heroes," at Plough

2023: "Indi Gregory and the Future of Death on Demand," at First Things.

2023: "Thick Being, Thin Being, and God," at Prosblogion

2023: "Who was Duns Scotus?" at Aeon

2022: “Minstrel of the Incarnation: A Portrait of John Duns Scotus,” in Evangelization & Culture, Winter 2023

2022: “The Gospel in Wingfeather,” at Plough
2022: “Michael Ward’s After Humanity,” in Dappled Things
2022: “Unaffordable and Under Threat: Higher Education’s Debt Crises (and How to Fix Them),” at Public Discourse
2022: “Beguiled by her Beauty,” at The Lamp Magazine blog
2022: “Reading and the Virtue of Memory,” at Christian Scholars Review blog
2022: A Meditation with Dante: How Happiness Can be True or False,” at The Gard
2019: “The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher in Defense of Civilization,” at Commonplace Living
2014: “Either Demons Exist or God Doesn’t,” in The Devil and Philosophy, ed. Robert Arp. Open Court, 151-158.
2013: “Concerning My Fountain Pen,” at The Hipster Conservative
2012: “C.S. Lewis and the Church: A Review (Part 1),” at Mere Orthodoxy
2012: “C.S. Lewis and the Church: A Review (Part 2),” at Mere Orthodoxy
2011: “The Place of God in the Meditations,” in The Great Books Reader, ed. John Mark Reynolds. Bethany House, 153-155.

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